Established in 2002, 1358037 B.C. Ltd. is part of the Dakus Group of Companies based in Prince George, BC. 1358037 B.C. Ltd. entered into a Purchase Agreement to acquire the NOS Substation from 1358037 B.C. Ltd. On September 20, 2022, pursuant to section 88(3) of the Utilities Commission Act (UCA), 1358037 B.C. Ltd. applied to the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) seeking approval for exemption from section 71 and Part 3 of the UCA, excluding sections 25, 38, 42 and 43, with respect to 1358037 B.C. Ltd.'s resale of of electricity, supplied by British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (BC Hydro) to the the NOS Substation located at 8546 Willow Cale Road in Prince George, British Columbia (NOS Substation), to purchasers whose facilities are connected to the NOS Substation (Application). The NOS Substation purchase transaction with Canfor closed on March 31, 2023.